Underprivileged pupil; extra funding factor 0.30

The number of underprivileged pupils in primary education who have been assigned an extra funding factor of 0.30. Primary schools receive extra funding from the government on the basis of these assigned weights.

Underprivileged pupils with an extra funding factor of 0.30 are pupils of whom:

  • the education level of both parents is not higher than lower secondary vocational education (lbo), preparatory vocational education (vbo), practical education, or one of the practical streams of preparatory secondary vocational education (vmbo).

  • or both parents attended another form of secondary education for a maximum of two years directly after primary school, e.g. basic technical school, lower vocational technical school (lts), domestic science school.

This weight is assigned on the basis of the pupil’s school year and  age.

The data refer to school years. 2006 is school year 2006/'07.

Data available from school year 2006/'07.

Source: Statistics Netherlands, Education statistics.