Sources: education

Participation in education

Total mainstream education
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Primary education: total
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Primary education: special basic education
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Primary education: special needs
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Secondary education: special needs
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Secondary education: total
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Secondary education: preparatory vocational (vmbo)
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Secondary education: senior general (havo)
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Secundary education: pre-university (vwo)
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Practical education
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Senior secondary vocational (mbo)
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Higher vocational (hbo)
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics


Total secondary education
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Preparatory secondary vocational education (vmbo)
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Senior general secondary education (havo)
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Secundary education: pre-university (vwo)
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Senior secondary vocational education (mbo): total
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Senior secondary vocational education (mbo): level 1
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Senior secondary vocational education (mbo): levels 2-4
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

Higher vocational (hbo)
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

University: bachelor
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

University: master
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics

School drop-outs

Basic qualification
Statistics Netherlands: Labour force survey

Total figures from Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
Central financing agency for educational institutions (Cfi): personal education number data

Survey population
Statistics Netherlands: personal education number data

Underpriviliged pupil; extra funding factor 0.30/1.20
Statistics Netherlands: Education statistics