Most young people online with smartphone

Health and welfare | 09-07-2014 16:07

If they are not at home, a smartphone is by far the most popular mobile device for young people to access the internet. Once online, they spend most of their time playing video games, watching films and accessing social networks. They also buy tickets for upcoming events.

More than 90 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds mobile online with smartphone

In 2013, nearly all young people in the Netherlands had access to the internet at home. If they are not at home, most young people use smartphones; they rarely use tablet or laptop computers. In 2013, three-quarters of 12 to 17-year-olds and 90 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds used smartphones to surf the internet when they were not at home. The proportion is much lower (63 percent) in the age category 25 and older.

Use internet outdoors by age and type of mobile device, 2013

Use internet outdoors by age and type of mobile device, 2013

Computer games and social networks most popular

Young people mainly use the internet to play video games, watch films and listen to music. Many young people - about 90 percent in 2013 - are also active on social networks like Facebook,. When 12 to 17-year-olds are compared to 18 to 24-year-olds, more people in the latter age category use the internet for activities like reading newspapers and looking for jobs.

Most important reasons for young people to access the internet, 2013

Most important reasons for young people to access the internet, 2013

Many young people buy tickets online for upcoming events

Young people aged between 18 and 25 often buy tickets online for upcoming events. Nearly 60 percent in this age group bought tickets online in 2013. The next popular item to buy online concerned electronic equipment (more than one third) followed by films or music (approximately one quarter). 

Online shopping by type of purchase, 2013

Online shopping by type of purchase, 2013

Marjolein Korvorst and Ger Sleijpen