More children at risk of poverty

The number of underage children at risk of poverty has increased in 2011. In the provinces of South Holland and Groningen, more children grow up in poverty than in other provinces. In more than half of cases, families do have enough money to go on holiday.

Health and welfare | 08-04-2013 | 17:04

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Annual Report 2012 - Summary

This summary presents the main results of the Annual Report 2012, which is based on information from the National Youth Monitor website.

Young people and families | 07-02-2012 | 17:02

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More students in higher education

A growing part of 18-24 year-olds embark on a study in higher vocational education (hbo) or university (wo). Women and young people with a non-western background are the main contributors to the increase. The proportion of students in general secondary vocational education (mbo) has remained stable in recent years.

Education | 29-06-2011 | 18:06

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Young religious people form the minority

Slightly fewer than half of all people aged between 12 and 25 responded in 2009 that they had a religious denomination. This share has fallen by 6 percent points since 1997. Church attendance is low among young people. About one in seven goes to church or to a religious gathering at least once a month.

Health and welfare | 17-05-2011 | 18:05

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Youth Trends Report 2010 - Summary

This summary presents the main results of the Youth Trends Report 2010, which is based on information from the National Youth Monitor website.

Young people and families | 16-12-2010 | 18:12

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Quarterly Report 3rd quarter 2009

This Quarterly Report of the National Youth Monitor for the third quarter of 2009 describes unemployed young people in times of economic crisis.

Young people and families | 07-04-2010 | 18:04

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Annual report 2009

The Annual report 2009 of the National Youth Monitor of the Netherlands presents a broad overview of how children and young people under the age of 25 years in the Netherlands are doing. The situation of this group is described from six points of view: young people and families, health, education, social participation, labour market and security.

Young people and families | 05-02-2010 | 18:02

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Youth unemployment further up

Youth unemployment among 15-22 year-olds has risen more substantially in 2009 than among 23-64 year-olds. Unemployment rose rapidly among young people without a basic qualification.

Labour | 21-12-2009 | 18:12

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Quarterly Report 2nd quarter 2009

This Quarterly Report of the National Youth Monitor for the second quarter of 2009 places Dutch youngsters in a European perspective. The comparisons are based on topics included on the website of the National Youth monitor.

Young people and families | 16-10-2009 | 18:10

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Participation rate Dutch youth in education above European average

Relative to other European countries, many young people in the Netherlands attend some form of education. The number of young people leaving school without a basic qualification is also below the European Union (EU) average.

Health and welfare | 16-10-2009 | 18:10

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