Annual Youth Monitor
All figures
Topic 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 More information
Participation in preventive health care (%) 92.4 92.6 93.1 92.2 87.3 Info
Positive health perception (%) 91.7 93.8 92.1 90.2 Info
Mortality, perinatal (‰) 4.5 4.3 4.1 Info
Mortality, infant (‰) 3.6 3.8 3.3 Info
Alcohol, have ever consumed alcohol (12 to 16 yrs, %) 46.6 47.5 Info
Alcohol, have consumed alcohol in the past month (12 to 16 yrs, %) 26.2 27.8 Info
Alcohol, binge drinkers (12 to 16 yrs, %) 18.5 20.8 Info
Smoking, have ever smoked (12 to 16 yrs, %) 17.0 17.2 Info
Smoking, have smoked in the past month (12 to 16 yrs, %) 7.7 9.5 Info
Drugs, have ever used cannabis (12 to 16 yrs, %) 10.4 10.2 Info
Drugs, have used cannabis in the past month (12 to 16 yrs, %) 5.3 5.7 Info
Bodyweight: not overweight (aged 2-24 years, %) 83.2 81.5 81.7 82.8 Info
Bodyweight: overweight (aged 2-24 years, %) 16.8 18.5 18.3 17.2 Info
Bodyweight: severely overweight (obese) (aged 2-24 years, %) 3.4 3.6 4.0 4.4 Info
Psychosocial well-being (aged 12-16 years, mark) 7.1 Info