Annual Youth Monitor
All figures
Topic 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 More information
Participation in mainstream education (%) 71.6 71.5 72.0 72.0 71.1 Info
Participation in primary education (x 1,000) 1,405 1,396 1,386 1,371 1,367 Info
Participation in secondary education (x 1,000) 968 950 934 930 937 Info
Participation in combined years of secondary education (x 1,000) 389 382 378 384 394 Info
Participation in preparatory secondary vocational education (vmbo) b/k 3-4 (x 1,000) 114 110 104 102 103 Info
Participation in preparatory secondary vocational education (vmbo) g/t 3-4 (x 1,000) 96 91 86 83 85 Info
Participation in secondary education: senior general (havo) 3-5 (x 1,000) 166 164 163 161 160 Info
Participation in pre-university education (vwo) 3-6 (x 1,000) 174 173 173 171 166 Info
Participation in special needs primary education (x 1,000) 35 36 36 35 35 Info
Participation in special schools for primary education (x 1,000) 31 32 33 34 34 Info
Participation in special schools for secondary education (x 1,000) 38 38 38 38 38 Info
Participation in practical education (x 1,000) 29 29 30 30 29 Info
Participation in senior secondary vocational education (mbo) (x 1,000) 439 439 444 437 417 Info
Participation in higher vocational education (hbo) (x 1,000) 347 352 374 374 362 Info
Participation in university education (x 1,000) 231 241 262 272 272 Info
Diplomas: secondary education (x 1,000) 181 191 178 167 Info
Diplomas: preparatory secondary vocational education (vmbo) (x 1,000) 98 99 92 86 Info
Diplomas: senior general secondary education (havo) (x 1,000) 48 53 49 45 Info
Diplomas: pre-university education (vwo) (x 1,000) 35 38 37 36 Info
Diplomas: senior secondary vocational education (mbo) (x 1,000) 130 128 130 125 Info
Diplomas: senior secondary vocational education (mbo) level 1 (assistant training) (x 1,000) 10 11 11 10 Info
Diplomas: senior secondary vocational education (mbo) levels 2-4 (x 1,000) 119 117 119 115 Info
Diplomas: higher vocational education (hbo) (x 1,000) 47 48 51 49 Info
Diplomas: university bachelor (x 1,000) 33 34 39 38 Info
Diplomas: university master/old style degree (x 1,000) 22 23 26 26 Info
Underprivileged pupil| extra funding factor 1.20 (x 1,000) 57 Info
Underprivileged pupil| extra funding factor 0.30 (x 1,000) 57 Info
School dropouts: total figures from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (aged under 23 years) (x 1,000) 27.1 22.8 24.5 30.2 Info
School dropouts, survey population (aged under 23 years, %) 2.4 2.0 2.2 2.7 Info